LACPA’s 2023 Spring Issue of The Los Angeles Psychologist 


Spring Presidential Column 
Miriam Hamideh, Ph.D.


Henson, P. (2022, Jul 14). Statistics for Substance Abuse in Medical Professionals. American Addiction Centers.  

Berge, K. H., Seppala, M. D., & Schipper, A. M. (2009). Chemical dependency and the physician.
Mayo Clinic proceedings, 84(7), 625–631. 

Stringer, H. 1 (2023). Worker well-being is in demand as organizational culture shifts. American Psychological Association, 54(1), 58.  

Novotney, A. (2022, Oct 21). Why mental health needs to be a top priority in the workplace. American Psychological Association.  

COVID-19 & Substance Use. 2022, Feb 25. Retrieved Jan 3, 2023, from  

Stringer, H. 2 (2023). More psychologists are exploring alternative careers outside of academia. American Psychological Association, 54(1), 79. 

Leiterab, M. P. & Maslachab, C. (2016) Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout research, 3(4), 89-100.  

Victor, S. E., Devendorf, A.R., Lewis, S.P., Rottenberg, J., Muehlenkamp, J.J, Stage, D.L. & Miller, R. H. (2022). Only Human: Mental-Health Difficulties Among Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology Faculty and Trainees. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(6), 1576–1590. 

Maslach, C. & Leiter, M.P. (2022). The Burnout Challenge: Managing People’s Relationships With Their Jobs. Harvard University Press. 

Sociocultural Considerations in Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Interventions 
Shelly P. Harrell, Ph.D., Bemi Fasalojo, M.A., and Jordyne James, M.A. 


American Psychological Association (2006). Evidence based practice in psychology. American Psychologist, 61(4), 271–285. DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.61.4.271 

Aruta, J.B.R., Antazo, B., Briones-Diato, A., Crisostomo, K., Fe Canlas, N., Peñaranda, G. (2020). When does self-criticism lead to depression in collectivistic context. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 43(1), 76-87. 

Barrett, L.F., Mesquita, B., & Smith, E.R. (2010). The context principle. In B. Mesquita, L.F. 

Barrett, & E.R. Smith (Eds.), The mind in context (pp. 1-22). New York, NY: Guilford. Kindle Edition. 

Beckstein, A., Davey, G., & Zhao, X. (2021). Native American subjective happiness, self- construal, and decision-making. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 41(11), 7804-7811. 

Blanck, P., Perleth, S., Heidenreich, T., Kröger, P., Ditzen, B., Bents, H., & Mander, J. (2018). Effects of mindfulness exercises as stand-alone intervention on symptoms of anxiety and depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 102, 25-35. 

Bluth, K., Lathren, C., Clepper-Faith, M., Larson, L. M., Ogunbamowo, D. O., & Pflum, S. (2021). Improving mental health among transgender adolescents: Implementing mindful self-compassion for teens. Journal of Adolescent Research, 07435584211062126. 

Bryant-Davis, T. (2019). The cultural context of trauma recovery: Considering the posttraumatic stress disorder practice guideline and intersectionality. Psychotherapy, 56(3), 400–408. 

Carter, R. T., Lau, M. Y., Johnson, V., & Kirkinis, K. (2017). Racial discrimination and health outcomes among racial/ethnic minorities: A meta‐analytic review. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45(4), 232-259. 

Clauss-Ehlers, C.S., Chiriboga, D.A., Hunter, S.J., Roysircar, G, & Tummala-Narra, P. (2017). APA multicultural guidelines executive summary: Ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 74(2), 232–244. doi: 10.1037/amp0000382 

Dahm, K. A., Meyer, E. C., Neff, K. D., Kimbrel, N. A., Gulliver, S. B., & Morissette, S. B. (2015). Mindfulness, self‐compassion, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and functional disability in US Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28(5), 460-464. 

Emery, A. K. D. (2020). The protective influence of self-compassion against internalized racism among African Americans (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln). 

Fasalojo, B. (2023). (Re)imagining mindfulness in workplace settings: An exploration of the lived experiences of BIPOC mindfulness professionals. [Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University]. ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis Global. 

Ghorbani, N., Watson, P. J., Chen, Z., & Norballa, F. (2012). Self-compassion in Iranian Muslims: Relationships with integrative self-knowledge, mental health, and religious orientation. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 22(2), 106-118. 

Golden, H.L., Vosper, J., Kingston, J., & Ellett, L. (2021). The impact of mindfulness-based programmes on self-compassion in nonclinical populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 12(1), 29-52. 

Harrell, S.P. (2014). A psychoecocultural perspective on positive psychology and well-being. The California Psychologist, 47(2), 8-10. 

Harrell, S.P. (2018). Soulfulness as an orientation to contemplative practice: Culture, liberation and mindful awareness. Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 5(1), 9-32. 

Harrell, S.P. (in press). SOUL-Centered healing: A soulfulness orientation to contemplative practices with Black people. In H. Grey and C. Owens-Shields (Eds.) Cultural Considerations in the Treatment of African Americans. Oxford University. 

Harrell, S.P., Hatton, M., Son, E., & Robbins, J. (2019). Internalized oppression, culture, and mindfulness-based interventions: Implications for cultural adaptation. The California Psychologist, 52, 10-13, 

Johnson, S. B., Goodnight, B. L., Zhang, H., Daboin, I., Patterson, B., & Kaslow, N. J. (2018). Compassion‐based meditation in African Americans: Self‐criticism mediates changes in depression. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, 48(2), 160-168. 

Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003). Mindfulness-based interventions in context: Past, present, and future. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 10(2), 144–156. 

Liu, S., Li, C. I., Wang, C., Wei, M., & Ko, S. (2020). Self-compassion and social connectedness buffering racial discrimination on depression among Asian Americans. Mindfulness, 11(3), 672-682. 

Lomas, T. Medina, J.C., Ivtzan, I., Rupprecht, S., & Eiroa-Orosa, F.J. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on the well-being of healthcare professionals. Mindfulness, 10(7), 1193-1216. 

MacBeth, A., & Gumley, A. (2012). Exploring compassion: A meta-analysis of the association between self-compassion and psychopathology. Clinical Psychology Review, 32(6), 545–552. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2012.06.003. 

Mekawi, Y., Hyatt, C. S., Maples-Keller, J., Carter, S., Michopoulos, V., & Powers, A. (2021). Racial discrimination predicts mental health outcomes beyond the role of personality traits in a community sample of African Americans. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(2), 183-196. 

Nagayama Hall, G. C., Ibaraki, A. Y., Huang, E. R., Marti, C. N., & Stice, E. (2016). A meta-analysis of cultural adaptations of psychological interventions. Behavior Therapy, 47(6), 993–1014. 

Neff, K. D. (2003). The development and validation of a scale to measure self-compassion. Self and identity, 2(3), 223-250. 

Ngo, J. D. (2019). Self-Compassion in the Face of Racism: Coping with Racial Discrimination, Psychological Distress and Interpersonal Shame in Asian Americans (Doctoral dissertation, Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center). 

Nobles, W. (2006). Seeking the Sakhu: Foundational writings for an African psychology. Third World. 

Per, M., Spinelli, C., Sadowski, I., Schmelefske, E., Anand, L., & Khoury, B. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in incarcerated populations: A meta-analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(3), 310-330. 

Proulx, J., Croff, R., Oken, O., Aldwin, C. M., Fleming, C., Bergen-Cico, D., Le, T., & Noorani, M. (2018). Considerations for research and development of culturally relevant mindfulness interventions in American minority communities. Mindfulness, 9(2), 361– 70. 

Purser, R. (2019). McMindfulness: How mindfulness became the new capitalist spirituality. Repeater. 

Rivera, C. S. (2017). An examination of the relationships between attachment style, acculturation, and self-compassion among latinos (Doctoral dissertation, Azusa Pacific University). 

Samrock, S., Kline, K., & Randall, A. K. (2021). Buffering against depressive symptoms: associations between self-compassion, perceived family support and age for transgender and nonbinary individuals. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(15), 7938. 

Seo, H. (2012). The role of self-compassion and emotional approach coping in the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and psychological distress among East Asian international students. University of Minnesota. 

Siegel, D. (2020). The developing mind: How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are (3rd ed.). Guilford. 

Sorenson, C. & Harrell, S.P. (2021). Development and testing of the 4-domain cultural adaptation model (CAM4). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(3), 250–259. 

Tian, L., McClain, S., Moore, M. M., & Lloyd, H. (2019). An examination of ethnic identity, self-compassion, and acculturative stress in Asian international students. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 635-660. 

Watson, N. N., Black, A. R., & Hunter, C. D. (2016). African American women’s perceptions of mindfulness meditation training and gendered race-related stress. Mindfulness, 7(5), 1034-1043. 

Watson-Singleton, N. N., Womack, V.Y., Holder-Dixon, A. R., & Black, A.R. (2022). Racism’s (un)worthiness trap: The mediating roles of self-compassion and self-coldness in the link between racism and distress in African Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(4), 557-566. 

Wilson, A.C., Mackintosh, K., Power, K. & Chan, S.W.Y. (2019). Effectiveness of self- compassion related therapies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 10, 979–995. 

Wong, C. C., & Mak, W. W. (2013). Differentiating the role of three self-compassion components in buffering cognitive-personality vulnerability to depression among Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of counseling psychology, 60(1), 162. Woods-Giscombé, C. L., & Gaylord, S. A. (2014). The cultural relevance of mindfulness meditation as a health intervention for African Americans: Implications for reducing stress-related health disparities. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 32(3), 147– 160. 

Yarnell, L. M., Neff, K. D., Davidson, O. A., & Mullarkey, M. (2019). Gender differences in self-compassion: Examining the role of gender role orientation. Mindfulness, 10(6), 1136-1152. 

Yu, Q., King, A.P., Yoon, C., Liberzon, I., Schaeferc, S.M., Davidson, R. J., & Kitayama, S. (2021). Interdependent self-construal predicts increased gray matter volume of scene-processing regions in the brain. Biological Psychology, 161, 1-9. 

Zessin, U., Dickhäuser, O., & Garbade, S. (2015). The relationship between self-compassion and well-being: A meta-analysis. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being, 7(3), 340–364. doi:10.1111/aphw.12051. 

Zhang, H., Carr, E. R., Garcia-Williams, A. G., Siegelman, A. E., Berke, D., Niles-Carnes, L. V.... & Kaslow, N. J. (2018). Shame and depressive symptoms: Self-compassion and contingent self-worth as mediators? Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings, 25(4), 408-419. 

Zhang, H., Watson-Singleton, N. N., Pollard, S. E., Pittman, D. M., Lamis, D. A., Fischer, N. L., & Kaslow, N. J. (2019). Self-criticism and depressive symptoms: Mediating role of self- compassion. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 80(2), 202-223. 

Milestones in Women’s Reproductive Mental Health 
Josephine McNary, M.D. 


Ghanbari Z, Haghollahi F, Shariat M, Foroshani AR, Ashrafi M. Effects of calcium supplement therapy in women with premenstrual syndrome. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2009;48:124–129. 

Gavin A.R., Melville J.L., Rue T., Guo Y., Dina K.T., Katon W.J. Racial differences in the prevalence of antenatal depression. Gen. Hosp. Psychiatry. 2011;33:87–93 

Cohen LS, Altshuler LL, Harlow BL, Nonacs R, et al. Relapse of major depression during pregnancy in women who maintain or discontinue antidepressant treatment. JAMA. 2006;295(5):499-507. 

Berard A, Zhao J, Sheehy O. Antidepressant use during pregnancy and the risk of major congenital malformations in a cohort of depressed pregnant women: an updated analysis of the Quebec Pregnancy Cohort. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e0133721. 

Andrade SE, Raebel MA, Brown J, Lane K, Livingston J, Boudreau D, Rolnick SJ, Roblin D, Smith DH, Willy ME, Staffa JA, Platt R. Use of antidepressant medications during pregnancy: a multisite study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008;198(2):194 e191–194 e195. 

Beck CT. Postpartum depression: it isn't just the blues. Am J Nurs. 2006 May;106(5):40-50; quiz 50-1. 

Manson JE, Chlebowski RT, Stefanick ML, et al. Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women's Health Initiative randomized trials. JAMA. 2013; 310:1353. 

Cohen LS, Soares CN, Vitonis AF, et al. Risk for new onset of depression during the menopausal transition: the Harvard study of moods and cycles. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006; 63:385. 

Martin KA, Manson JE. Approach to the patient with menopausal symptoms. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008; 93:4567. 

“Should I tell my client he’s being a creep?” and other thoughts from an intersubjective therapist. 
Rachelle Cohen, LMFT  

For further study:  

Benjamin, J. (2018). Beyond doer and done to: Recognition theory, intersubjectivity, and the third. Routledge.  

Brodie, B. (2019). Object relations and intersubjective theories in the practice of psychotherapy. Routledge.  

Mitchel, S. A. & Aron, L. (Eds.). (1999). Relational Psychoanalysis: The emergence of a tradition (1st ed.). Routledge. 

Ogden, T.H. (1994). The analytic third: Working with intersubjective clinical facts. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 75, 3-19.  

Parasocial relationships: attachment style, development, and how to address it in therapy
Elizabeth Petrisca, Ph.D. 


Ainsworth, M.D.S., Blehar, M.C., Waters, E., & Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 

Bernhold, Q.S. (2019). Parasocial relationships with disliked television characters, depressive symptoms, and loneliness among older adults, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 47)5), 548-570, doi:10.1080/00909882.2019.1679384 

Bond, B.J. & Calvert, S.L. (2014) A model and measure of US parents’ perceptions of young children’s parasocial relationships. Journal of Children and Media, 8:3, 286-304, doi:10.1080/17482798.2014.890948 

Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Attachment (Vol.1.) New York, NY: Basic Books. 

Busselle, R., & Bilandzic, H. (2008). Fictionality and perceived racism in experiencing stories. A model of narrative comprehension and engagement. Communication Theory, 18(2), 255-280. 

Cohen, J. (2001) Defining Identification: A theoretical look at the identification of audiences with media characters. Mass Communication & Society. 4(3), 245-264. 

Cohen, J. (2004). Parasocial break-up from favorite television characters. The role of attachment styles and relationship intensity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21(2), 187-202. 

Cohen, J. (2006). Audience identification with media characters. In J. Bryant & P. Vorderer (Eds.) Psychology of entertainment (pp 183-198). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Cole, T., & Leets, L. (1999). Attachment styles and intimate television viewing. Insecurely forming relationships in a parasocial way. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 16(4), 495-511 

David, K. Myers, M.E., Perry, S. D., Gouse, V., & Stein, C.B. (2019). Examination of insecure attachment and the potential for parasocial parental attachment (PPA) to a favorite celebrity through attachment theory. North American Journal of Psychology, 21(2).  

Diehl, M., Elnick, A. B., Bourbeau, L.S., & Labouvie-Vief, G. (1998). Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1656-1669. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.74.6.1656 

Giles, D.C., & Maltby, J (2004). The role of media figure in adolescent development: Relations between autonomy, attachment, and interest in celebrities. Personality and individual differences, 36(4), 813-822  

Gleason, T.R., Theran, S.A., & Newberg, E. M. (2017). Parasocial interactions and relationships in early adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 255. 

Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (2000). The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5), 701-721. Doi:10.1037//0022-3514.79.5.701 

Greenweed, D. N., & Long, C. R. (2011). Attachment, belongingness needs, and relationship status predict imagined intimacy with media figures. Communication Research, 38(2), 278-297. 

Horton, D., & Wohl, R. R. (1956). Mass Communication and para-social interaction. Psychiatry, 19, 215-229. 

Main, M., & Soloman,  J. (1990). Procedures for identifying infants as disorganized/disoriented during the Ainsworth Strange Situation. In M.T. Greenburg, D. Cicchetti, & E.M. Cummings (Eds.), Attachment in the preschool years (pp.121-160). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 

Paravati, E., Naidu, E., & Gabriel, S. (2020). From “love actually” to love, actually: The sociometer takes every kind of fuel. Self and Identity, 1-19. 

Reece, Christina (2018). Attachment. 60 Trauma-informed Assessment and treatment interventions across the lifespan. Eau Claire, WI, PESI Publishing & Media. 

Rosaen, S.F., & Dibble, J.L. (2008). Investigating the relationships among child’s age, parasocial interactions, and the social realism of favorite television characters. Communication Research Reports, 25, 145-154, doi:10.1080/08824090802021806 

Sestir, M., & Green, M.C. (2010), You are who you watch. Identification and transportation effects on temporary self-concept. Social influence, 5(4), 272-288, 

Shackleford, K.E. (2020) Real Characters, The Psychology of Para social Relationships with Media Characters. Santa Barbara, Ca. Fielding University Press. 

Stever, G (2009). Para social and social interaction with celebrities. Classification of media fans. Journal of Media Psychology 14(3), 1-39. 

Stever, G. (2010). Fan behavior and lifespan development theory: Explaining para-social and social attachment to celebrities. Journal of Adult Development. Doi:10.1007s10804-010- 9100-0 

Stever, G. (2013) Mediated vs. parasocial relationships. An attachment perspective. Journal of Media Psychology, 17(3), 1-31 

Theran, S.A., Newberg, E.M., & Gleason, T.R. (2010) Adolescent girls’ parasocial interactions with media figures. The Journal of genetic psychology, 17(3), 270-277.