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Virtual LGBTQ+ Special Interest Group
Friday, June 28, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PST
Category: Special Interest Groups

Hello LACPA Community!
Happy ongoing Pride Month. As an LGBTQ+ specialist with over 13 years of experience working with this community, I am happy to announce my new position as the Chair of the LGBTQ+ Special Interest Group. We intend to foster a supportive environment, provide education, and advocate for best practices in LGBTQ-affirming psychotherapy.
To kick off this group, I’d like to host a Townhall this month where both LGBTQ-identified therapists and Allied therapists can voice their concerns and experiences when working with the community. This will be a safe space to ask questions and provide valuable insights on how our Special Interest Group can best serve both the LACPA Community and the broader patient populations with sexuality and gender diversity concerns whom we serve.
If you would like to attend our first open, exploratory discussion on Friday, June 28th at 1 PM PST via Zoom, please backchannel me here or email me directly at [email protected]. I won't be able to answer questions in this thread, so I hope you can save them for the meeting where I'd be happy to explore them.
This group will also be a great place to earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs). 
Looking forward to your participation!
Best regards,
Dr. Espinoza
Chair, LGBTQ+ Special Interest Group
Chair, Local Advocacy Network

Contact: [email protected]