Our 36th Annual Convention
Mental Health as a Universal Human Right
will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024,

Featured Speaker Dr. Derald Wing Sue
Racism in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Illuminate and Disarm

We will offer break-out room sessions with multiple options per session and a featured speaker. There will also be a continental breakfast, networking luncheon, awards presentation, a post-convention social hour and more.
(Schedule and events are subject to change)

Up to 7.0 CE/CPD Credits are available.

LACPA offers these sponsorship/advertising opportunities: 

It is a fantastic opportunity to have your logo and information available to attendees throughout the convention process. Certain options offer your logo on all pre-convention advertising and on LACPA’s Website homepage, Convention pages, social media platforms, Convention Brochures, Day Program and/or the quarterly magazine. Other options include exhibitors' tables at the convention.



The Convention Brochure was mailed out in July 2024. 

The Convention Day Program will be in full color and distributed to all attendees via email the week of the event and in print the day of. 

The deadline for the day program is September 23, 2024.

In 2024, you also have the option to advertise via an Exhibitor Table during the convention.
Booths are limited so reserve your space soon. 

Exhibitor Table (Includes 1- table, breakfast, luncheon, and parking) 
25% Discount on Convention Registration for up to three exhibitor staffers.

Please feel free to contact the LACPA office if you would like further information.