Would you like to submit an article to The Los Angeles Psychologist magazine?
LACPA is looking for interesting in-depth articles on diverse topics, both clinical and research-based. Authors with expertise on new or topical subjects, pieces with a BIPOC focus, and unique niche areas of practice as well as emerging research are all welcome. Final article will be in the 1,000 - 1,200 word range.
You do not need to be a LACPA member to submit an article. Articles advertising events, services, or facilities need not submit.
If interested, please contact the LACPA office with the following information:
Title of article:
Brief description of article (250-400 words):
Some recent citations that would be included:
Brief bio (30 word limit):
Please include a headshot (need jpg file 266 dpi or larger)
Other graphics (charts, statistics, etc) or illustrations that support the article are encouraged.
Click here for a guideline and standard for authors re: APA format, how to do citations, grammatical quirks, etc. Please initial to indicate that you have read the guidelines.
Disclaimer: A submission or request for an article does not guarantee publication or timing of publication if accepted. All submissions must meet editorial standards.
Deadline Dates for Accepted Articles: First Friday in October - Winter issue covers Dec/Jan/Feb First Friday in January - Spring issue covers March/April/May First Friday in April - Summer issue cover June/July/Aug First Friday in July - Fall issue covers Sept/Oct/Nov
Questions? Contact the LACPA office at [email protected] or 818-905-0410.