2025 LACPA Presidential Theme: Celebration
Cris Ann Scaglione, Ph.D.

As the incoming President of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA), I welcome the opportunity to help our organization celebrate its 80th anniversary. Our organization has weathered many changes since its formation in the aftermath of World War II, and is in a great position to continue its mission for decades to come. An 80th Anniversary is often referred to as a Ruby Jubilee, and is signified by the ruby and the oak. The lore of the ruby encourages a passion for life, but in beneficial fashion, so that things are not done to extreme. In many systems, it represents the heart, with its capacity for love, compassion, and forgiveness. The oak is sacred in many traditions, and is a fitting representation of strength and enduring commitment. Our 80 years of history is worthy of joyous celebration, and therefore my Presidential Theme for 2025 is simply “Celebration."