Dear Fellow LACPA Members,
We are living through a moment in history that may very well reshape the economic landscape and our society’s sense of normalcy for years (perhaps decades) to come. The future is uncertain, but the impact of COVID-19 and the protective measures implemented to slow its spread are unmistakable. The places and activities we typically enjoy are off limits, and (begrudgingly for many of us) our consultations are becoming increasingly pixelated. These and other challenges notwithstanding, psychologists and allied professionals are offering the best they have to support those we care for.
There has been perhaps no time in recent memory where our work has been so vital to the public. Psychologists are well-placed to buffer the tremendous impact of income instability, uncertainty about the future, and health complications of the virus itself. The stress of isolation and social distancing are significant, and we make a real impact in helping our clients maintain some semblance of a routine; process fear, uncertainty, and grief; and hunker down with family members they only signed up to see at Thanksgiving. Society needs us more than ever.
But what about us? This has been stressful for the public and clinicians alike, and LACPA has been hard at work behind the scenes with the goal of providing you with everything you need to stay informed, stay healthy, and continue providing invaluable care to your clients. Here’s our commitment to you amidst the chaos going forward:
1) We aim to offer all Networking Groups, Special Interest Groups, and Continuing Education programs online via Zoom. Many of our CE events are already live-streamed and available for CE credit on, and we plan to expand this going forward; 2) Synthesize and provide information related to both professional services and therapist self-care on LACPA’s website; 3) Add an option for “teletherapy via phone or video chat” on LACPA’s Find-A-Therapist online directory so potential clients can see whether you offer teletherapy services; 4) Offer programming about supporting clients who face serious health conditions, bereavement, and other issues likely to arise during this crisis; 5) Continue to support the California Psychological Association’s (CPA) efforts to advocate for and protect psychologists (i.e., telehealth reimbursement).
We hope these steps, in conjunction with our vibrant and proactive listserv community, will help maintain a sense of normalcy while providing up-to-date information and resources. Ultimately, we will get through this. LACPA will do its part to support our members and the field of mental healthcare generally as we, in turn, support the public through these trying times.
Warm Regards,
Kenneth Skale, Psy.D. 2020 LACPA President |