The Website is updated every Friday
(Monday, if a holiday falls on Friday)
Web Display Advertising under Sponsor area with LACPA:
Home Page Display Ad rates:
$175 per month $473 3/months $893 6/months (300 px Wide X 200 px High) PNG file required Classified Ads: Classified ad listed on the website for four weeks, beginning with the date of upload. Member: $1.50 per word Minimum charge $35 Combination Website and The Los Angeles Psychologist magazine
All classified ads must be emailed as a Word file (no PDF files) to Advertising categories available to all are Office Space, Professional Opportunities, Miscellaneous, and Continuing Education Programs. Ads for office space must begin with the city of location.
Advertisement for continuing education courses must state the source and status of the credit at the time the ad is submitted.
Advertisements or ads linking to sites with material deemed "objectionable” by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association will not be accepted. The acceptability of an ad is based on legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations. Ads must be in keeping with the professional nature of the publication. The Publications Committee reserves the right to refuse advertising for the purpose of airing either side of controversial social, ethical, or professional issues.
Group Therapy ads are available only to LACPA members as part of The Los Angeles Psychologist magazine and website. All advertising for mental health services must include the practitioner's license number. One 30 word Group Therapy ad may be placed per issue at no charge; $10 will be charged for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Additional Group Therapy ads may be placed at the rate of $10 for 30 words with an additional $10 for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Group Therapy ads must be identified by group type: Mixed, Men’s, Women’s, Special, or Consultation/Study.