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Dr. Hill Hybrid CE Event
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM PDT
Category: Continuing Education Event

Co-sponsored by VCPA & SBCPA

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS):

Safe and Effective Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder

Presented by

Todd P. Hill, D.O.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

12:00 - 2:30 PM (PT)

(12:00-12:30 PM In Person Networking; 12:30-2 :30 PM CE Program)

In-Person/Hybrid via Zoom at the LACPA Office
Intermediate Level Course
2.0 LIVE CE Credits  

This program may be recorded for future on-demand use. 

$50 for LACPA, VCPA & SBCPA Members attending in person

$60 for Non-Members attending in person 

$60 for LACPA, VCPA & SBCPA Members attending virtually via Zoom

$70 for Non-Members attending virtually via Zoom

 Click Here to Register 

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been around since the early 1980’s. It is FDA approved and very effective for depression, OCD, migraines, and smoking cessation. Research indicates effectiveness for anxiety, cognitive impairment, and bipolar depression. Neurons are stimulated and modulated by external electromagnetic impulses.  No medications are involved, and side effects are minimal.


Dr. Hill has been practicing psychiatry for over 20 years. He is board certified in General Psychiatry by the American Academy of Psychiatry and Neurology. He moved to Southern California from Kansas City Missouri in 2021. He completed his residency in General Psychiatry at the University of Kansas Medical Center.  He currently serves as Medical Director for Neuro Wellness Spa in Westlake Village.   

Course Outline:

I. History and Development of TMS (15 minutes) 

a.     Basic theory behind development 
b.     Early researchers for developing and inventing TMS units 
c.     Type of TMS units 

II. FDA Approved Conditions Treated by TMS (20 minutes) 

a. Major Depressive Disorder 

i. Research supporting treatment 

ii.Treatment protocol 

iii. Efficacy 

b. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

 i. Research supporting treatment 

 ii. Treatment protocol 

iii. Efficacy 

c.     Migraine and Smoking Cessation 

III.  Risks and Contraindications (15 minutes) 

a.     Medical Conditions 
b.     Psychiatric Conditions 
c.     Common Side Effects 

IV. TMS is Other Mental Health Conditions (15 minutes) 

a.     Anxiety 
b.     Cognitive Disorders 
c.     PTSD 
d.     Bipolar Depression 

V. Future Research in TMS 

VI. Promising Novel Treatments in the Future for Mental Illness (20 minutes) 

a.     Depression 
b.     PTSD 
c.     Substance Use Disorders 

Course Goals and Educational Objectives:  
   Attendees will be able to: 

1.     Explain the theory behind and the development of TMS therapy. 
2.     Describe the FDA approved clinical indications for TMS therapy. 
3.     Explain the risks and contraindications for TMS therapy. 
4.     Discuss the most current developments and possible future indications for TMS therapy. 
5.     Identify some of the treatments on the horizon for treating depression and PTSD.