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Virtual Child & Adolescent Special Interest Group
Thursday, February 15, 2024, 12:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Category: Special Interest Groups

LACPA’s Child and Adolescent SIG welcomes Cat Tweedie, PhD and Jeff Lieberman, MS on Thursday, Feb 15, 2023, 12:00-1:00pm PST

Topic: Immersive group-based methodology for accelerating development and addressing root causes of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in young adults

Presenters: Cat Tweedie, PhD and Jeff Lieberman, MS 

This presentation explores the methodology of a group-based intervention that rapidly clarifies their sense of themselves, what they want in life and how they want to be with others. This 30-day immersive program uses playful experimentation and authentic connection to invite gentle attention to the numb, frozen, or banished aspects of our human experience. The curriculum combines group-based emotional and relational practices, attention training, yoga, embodiment, cooking, and creative expression and is supported by a team of facilitators and therapists. The immersive program is followed by a 9-month remote integration program. We look forward to discussing results from our data studies designed with Aneel Chima of the Stanford Flourishing Project .

Co-founders of Sleepawake Camp, Jeff Lieberman and Cat Tweedie combine their MIT science backgrounds with deep explorations of self to offer young people what we wish we had: mentorship in the art of being a human.

Jeff Lieberman spent ten years at MIT earning degrees in math, physics, mechanical engineering and robotics. He has turned his attention to the most beautiful puzzle: what are the most direct pathways to deep human flourishing? Jeff creates elegant solutions to tough problems — he is an artist, building sculptures that exploit the limits of human perception. He hosted ’Time Warp’ on the Discovery Channel to share these wonders. See more at

Cat Tweedie Ph.D. is a social entrepreneur, facilitator, and passionate experimenter in support of collective wellness. She managed transformational change projects through McKinsey and Co. from the Philadelphia Police Department to Fortune 500s. Mother and long term meditator, Cat works to support our capacity to meet the challenges of our time. See more at

Date: Thursday, Nov 2, 2023

Description: Presentation by Cat Tweedie, PhD and Jeff Lieberman, MS

Location: ZOOM

RSVP to: Daniel Franklin, PhD, at [email protected] or call (310) 571-1176

SIG meetings are open to all LACPA members. Nonmembers wishing to attend may join LACPA by visiting our website

Contact: [email protected]