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Mirrors of the Mind (2023)
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Category: Committee Event

Dear Psychotherapists of Our LACPA Community! 
LACPA'S Arts, Creativity, and Culture Committee
is proud to announce
The Virtual Opening of
11/12 @ 6pm PST
The Gallery Opening will be followed by an Artist Spotlight Interview with Brandy Brawner on The Power of Video Therapy with Incarcerated and/or Acting Out Populations
Please RSVP and receive the Zoom  by clicking HERE.
Virtual access will be provided prior to the event.
LACPA'S Arts, Creativity, and Culture Committee (ACCC) is proud to present the 1st in our series of four Artist Spotlights in 2023 where we invite artists from our community of artists from Mirrors of the Mind to give hour-long talks about their artistic process and their unique position as artists practicing in the field of mental health.
Our 1st Artist Spotlight in This Series: 
On Sunday, November 12th, from 6:20 - 7:20 PM PST
RSVP for this event by clicking HERE (same link as above)  

Brandy Brawner in conversation with Alok Srivastava

The Power of Video Therapy with Incarcerated and/or Acting Out Populations

As a psychologist who has worked with acting out populations for 30+ years, I see the challenges and benefits of using video as a therapeutic modality from both an artist and therapist’s eye. Years before studying psychological theories and concepts, I was a filmmaker who learned the language and techniques of the craft as both documentarian and dramatic director. When I finally applied my skills to working with interested children, adolescents and adults, I often witnessed a profound healing effect. For even though the visual/aural medium of video is usually considered the domain of entertainment, commercialism, news and events, it has tremendous imaginative and therapeutic potentials beyond these more traditional categories. 

In this presentation, we will explore how the language of film (building improvisational stories shot by shot – changing angles, parallel storytelling, jumping through time and space – addresses many of the deep archetypal needs our society often denies marginalized populations. For people who find themselves restrained and contained by negative projections and shameful stigma, video therapy offers opportunities to stretch well beyond habitual limiting patterns and inferior expectations, to break the bonds that tie them to a literal concrete world. If we use the language in conscious ways, with an intent that allows participants to move from passive viewers into active creative collaborators, then marginalized and “unseen” individuals can express many of their psychological and emotional needs on a very large canvas and what was once felt as improbable or impossible actually takes shape (on a screen) in the visible world. Video therapy allows latent inner qualities to find their way out into the world, taking form as images, sounds and role-play, which encourages self-reflection while simultaneously opening up ways for participants to be witnessed by external others. As a result, dynamic new relationships inevitably develop between once voiceless/invisible individuals (who now have voices and faces) and members of a variety of communities.

About the Speaker: 

Brandy Brawner, PhD, is a private practice licensed psychologist. He is also an independent film director (a feature film presently streaming on Prime Video), as well as a professional scriptwriter. Since1986 he has worked with emotionally disturbed children in residential treatment centers, both in special education and as a video therapist, as a counselor/video therapist with delinquent teens in group homes, as a Community Theater facilitator with the Resolve to Stop the Violence Program in the San Francisco County jails, and as a film and video teacher in a number of Bay Area middle and high schools. As a drama therapist and psycho-dramatist, he has facilitated thousands of therapeutic groups in psychiatric hospitals, including 8 years at the Langley Porter Institute, University of California San Francisco.

(Brandy Brawner at IMDB )

RSVP for this event by clicking HERE (same link as above)

For more information, please contact: [email protected]


Schedule for the evening*: 
6:00pm PST to 6:20pm PDT (20 minutes) - Please come and enjoy an Opening, Introduction and Preview of the Virtual Gallery of 2023 Art Contributions. Ariel Cohen, an organizing member of the ACCC and also a contributing artist will host us and take us through gallery. 
6:20pm PST to 8:20pm PST (60 minutes) - Our 1st Artist Spotlight will feature Brandy Brawner interviewed by Alok Srivastava on The Power of Video Therapy with Incarcerated and/or Acting Out Populations
Please note that the event will be recorded and we would like to capture the conversation with audience. So if you do not want to be recorded you can ask your questions with the camera off.

~ Grace Hazeltine & Alok Srivastava (Co-Chairs)
and, Terry Marks-Tarlow & Pamela McCrory (Founding Co-Chairs)

Contact: [email protected]